Sunday, January 23, 2005
Away: no fruit for spong
Away: They declared that we are all careering through space, clinging to a cannon-ball, and the poets ignore the matter as if it were a remark about the weather. They say that an invisible force holds us in our own armchairs while the earth hurtles like a boomerang; and men still go back to dusty records to prove the mercy of God.
Away: getting rid of the funny smell, then hanging out in the center of all coolness, the EPSc computer lab.
Away: Be assured that you are among the most promising and gifted young scholars to come along in many years. We each considered reviewing your application a great privilege. Everyone was touched by it: several faculty members changed their thinking on one or two important issues as a result; a few were changed forever; one is certain that she caught a glimpse of the beatific vision. None of us will ever be the same again.
Away: ...(at this point, not only am I wielding Occam's Razor, but I'm slinging it over my head, screaming "Blood and souls for my lord Arioch!" at the top of my lungs)...